Saturday 6 August 2011

Billy Morrison writes about his first week of filming K-11

From K-11 Movie Site:

So I’ve completed my first week of shooting on the movie K-11, and I am in awe at just how cool everyone is on set. I mean, so far, no outbursts, no dramas (at least not that I can see) and everyone involved is super nice. So much talent and drive and commitment in one place – it’s really infectious.
I can’t divulge anything about the movie itself, other than my character’s name is Hollywood, but I’m caught up in it big time and want to give my best every day. I’m watching and learning at every opportunity, trying to soak it all up – I love acting and making movies and the only way to learn and get better is to shut up and listen. Watch the people who have been doing it for 20 years. You learn little tricks, pick up a process or a mood, practice accents…..even though you are in front of a rolling camera for a total of about 20 minutes a day, the rest of the stuff is where you really get better. Watching the cameras as they block, watching other actors prepare, making sure you are aware of the thousands of things that are happening around you each take and trying to retain continuity. Thats the shit I’m learning. I love it and am grateful to everyone on that movie for allowing me to be involved. 
Read the full blog post at 

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